Friday, February 29, 2008

Magnets proven to heal broken bones

And this one isn't even considered alternative medicine (as magnetic bracelets and the like are)! Magnets can be used by doctors to repair fractures that won't set properly. Interesting. Veeeery Interesting.

I couldn't find the article mentioning it, but I did find it cited within another site (I saw it with my sight). If any of you intrepid readers want to track it down, here's the skinny:

Bassett CA, Mitchell SN, Gaston SR. Pulsing electromagnetic field treatment in ununited fractures and failed arthrodeses. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1982;247(5):623-628.


Crazy lobsters!

This may be one of the weirdest things I've ever written about [not true if you've read previous posts], but apparently lobsters are magnetic. Ok, that's not totally accurate, but they do use something called, "magnetic map sense." This all comes from a University of North Carolina study into the blah blah blah of lobster yadda yadda yadda. At least that's what it sounded like whilst I was reading said article.

From what I did gather, lobsters have a 6th magnetic sense that allows them to navigate through treacherous coral reefs in the dark of night. I too, have a magnetic sense that allows me to navigate my knees, shins, and toes into metal objects in the dark of night, but that is another topic altogether. In the experiment, the UNC team was able to control the direction of lobsters by manipulating magnetic fields in the area.

So in addition to magnet's ability to heal us, magnets are fascinatingly used by giant underwater bugs to "see."

More proof

And from another reputable source, nonetheless! This one comes from Science Daily:
ScienceDaily (Jan. 7, 2008) — A recent study demonstrates that the use of an acute, localized static magnetic field of moderate strength can result in significant reduction of swelling when applied immediately after an inflammatory injury.
There you go! Magnets are great for healing bruises, bumps, insomnia, and the like. I actually went and ordered my very own magnetic jewelry pieces this morning... I ordered mine from a friend, but they said that their site will be taking internet orders soon. I figured that So I can go back to certain extracurricular weekend activities that cannot be mentioned. A perfect compliment to soap.

This is Jack's apologetic reaction: sorry to anyone who hasn't seen Fight Club. Oops, I talked about it. I'll have pics soon of the magnet stuff when I get it!

Read the article. Tyler told you to.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth! Or, why {4 8 15 16 23 42} could save your life.

I feel like I need a school bus (of the magical variety) and a lizard. So I checked into the idea of magnetic "hot spots" on the earth, and found some interesting stuff. While I don't have anything specific right now about the actual places that may be considered hot, I will take your mind on a fantastic voyage to the cause of our magnetism.

Our planet's wonderful magnetic field (which protects us from solar death rays and cosmic radiation) is generated in the earth's iron core by something called the dynamo effect. Basically, the swirling, boiling seas of liquid magggggma iron in the center of the earth can create a giant magnetic field... sort of like an electro-magnet, where the magnet produces its own power that makes it a magnet which produces power. Yeah, it's confusing alright, even the author of that article doesn't go into it that much!

Anyway, those seas of iron are just like our big blue oceans up top. They even get molten iron hurricanes (minus the wind and water, and levees of course) that can create their own little magnetic fields. Much like sunspots, these can create "anomalies." But as long as you press the button every 108 minutes, you'll be fine. Too bad the magnetic hot spots would move around quite a bit.

[Pardon me if I misstated the scientific stuff, I'm doing my best! For the best info, if you can understand it, check out my links above.]

What if...

All this thinking about magnets has me wondering about this one huge magnet that we all know about. That's right; Mother Russia Earth.

In case you weren't aware, we all live on a huge iron magnet. I know the magnetic field is much less pronounced than the little ones you can buy, but how much? I wonder if all of the zen spots and mystical places throughout the planet have something to do with stronger magnetic fields? You know, besides the Lost island.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Yahoo! Health (!) has an article!

Sorry about the extraneous explosions of exclamation points upon entry to this post. And the needless and most definitely unwarranted use of alliteration. What was I saying?

Yahoo Health has a great article about the benefits of pain fighting magnets. It goes into a studied regarding the use of a placebo, and how the magnets provided significantly higher reduction in injury. I won't steal the articles thunder, but most certainly check it out!

The article also mentions several studies that I am not familiar with regarding the effects of magnets. I will look into these for the benefit of you, faithful reader.

As promised...

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Ok, I found one of the articles about how there is actual proof that magnets do good stuff for your body. A fellow by the name of Thomas C. Skalak Ph.D. conducted some experiments for the University of Virginia's Biomedical Engineering program on the effects of magnets on rats. Basically, he found that magnetic fields can cause a huge reduction in the swelling of an injury.

The following is a dramatic reading of the American Journal of Physiology. Ahem.
External application of static magnetic fields, utilized specifically for the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as soft tissue injuries, has recently become popular as a complementary and/or alternative therapy with minimal investigation into efficacy or mechanism. Localized inflammation was induced via injection of inflammatory agents {lambda}-carrageenan (CA) or histamine into rat hindpaws, alone or in conjunction with pharmacologic agents, resulting in a spatially and temporally defined inflammatory reaction. Application of a 10mT or 70mT, but not a 400mT SMF for 15 or 30 minutes immediately following histamine-induced edema resulted in a significant, 20-50% reduction in edema formation. Additionally, a 2 hour, 70mT field application to CA-induced edema also resulted in significant (33-37%) edema reduction.
Translation: Pain bad, magnets good. Narf.

They work!

[UPDATE: The picture to the left is relevant... fake doctors, quacks, ducks... ok, nevermind!]

Before I write anything profound, let me first clarify this entire blog. Two weeks ago, I would scoffed [scoffed I tell you!] at the thought of magnets actually doing something... You know, besides sticking plastic to cooled food storage devices.

Anyhow, I saw an article on how effective magnets actually are... Now I'm a believer! Not a trace of doubt in my mind! I'm in love, wooooooooo... oh, sorry. Didn't mean to break out in song there. I will be following this up with said proof, once I find it.

But just in case you did want to let out your inner Davey Jones, feel free.


Hey everyone, welcome to the blog! I'm really excited about bringing you the latest news and information about the healing properties of magnets. I have tons to say, so I hope to keep the blog updated frequently.

I have some great ideas for what we're going to be doing in the coming days, so stay tuned!

Thanks PinkCakeBox for the beautiful cake picture.